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Diary Files:
St Denys Weather:
March 2014: First Trips
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After all the bad weather in January and February the fitting out was finished by the start of March. Once the sails were back on her and I had an alternative source of propulsion to the outboard I started to use her. I took things cautiously at first, gradually increasing my range and duration of trip.

Key: = Equipment Notes, etc.
(Possibly of general interest)
= Diary/Sailing Log entry
(Of interest to me!)
1st March 2014

First time under Bridge
Click on Thumbnail First (rather ignominious!) trip. Using the outboard I headed for Northam Bridge (see photo) with the main mast down but the mizzen up. I was sure that there was plenty of headroom ...but there wasn't! The mizzen was maybe 2 or 3 cm too high and flicked each bridge girder as I passed under. That would have been OK but I'd used the mizzen to judge how far to lower the main mast. As a result the vane from the NASA unit and the point of the Windex were lost. Big cheer from the rowers on their hard. I raised the mast near Kemps, lowered it again, lowered the mizzen (!) and motored back up the river to Woodmill and hence back to home. Fortunately NASA sell a spare wind vane for £12 + VAT - cheaper than the Windex.
8th March 2014

First Sail (~2nm)
First sail - on the river near my jetty for about 3 hours staying between the bridges. Forgot to tighten the outhaul etc. etc. but for a first sail - great! Mike took some photographs.
16th Mar 2014
To Hythe and met DCA (~6nm)  [diary entry]
19th Mar 2014

To Netley (~10nm)
Started at 1115. Raised mast beyond Northam Bridge and sailed under jib and mizzen raising main off Shamrock; beat down river, turned left at Weston Jetty and got level with Netley Dome before deciding to turn back due to tide. Was reaching at 5 to 6 kts (over ground). Fairly slow run up the river, sails and mast down just before bridge, Back at 1515 with about 45 minutes to spare on the tide. Forgot camera so no photos!
29th Mar 2014
Windy, off Weston under jib and Mizzen (~6nm)  [diary entry]
31th Mar 2014
With Jon to Netley (~10nm)  [diary entry]

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