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June 2015:
Is this Summer?!
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June has started much like May with a severe gale over the night of 1st/2nd. Initially I was land-bound after a minor operation in May so Seatern saw a flurry of modifications!

Key: = Equipment Notes, etc.
(Possibly of general interest)
= Diary/Sailing Log entry
(Of interest to me!)
1st/2nd June

June starts with a storm

Click on Thumbnail On the night of 1st June it peaked at force 9 at the jetty - I'd taken the mizzen off but Seatern would have been better without the boom. I slept on board that night and she was bucking around a bit! It was the first time I'd had the rubber snubbers on the mooring lines - can't say I noticed a difference. The photo is from the morning on the 2nd June; the wind was less but it didn't feel like summer!

3rd June to
4th June
Anchor Hatches, Binocular Box, battery board repair, ...and toilet grating!  [diary entry]
5th June to
6th June
New jib sheets  [Seatern Notes]
7th June to
9th June
Mizzen furling system  [Seatern Notes]
10th June
Shortest sail this year!  [diary entry]
13th June
Moved the boat trailer!  [diary entry]
17th June
Jib sheets and hatch instruments (plus forward hold)  [Seatern Notes]
18th June
To Marchwood Military Port (11nm)  [diary entry]
22nd June

to CLH Trailers

Click on Thumbnail Click on Thumbnail Click on Thumbnail Took the trailer back to CLH Trailers to be converted to braked... stopped off at Laugharne before returning and saw Dylan Thomas's writing shed and boat house.

24th June
To western Solent (39nm)  [diary entry]
26th June

Collected trailer

Click on Thumbnail Click on Thumbnail Collected the trailer from CLH Trailers having been converted to braked... was given a good allowance on the parts from the (practically new) original trailer so price was well below the estimate.

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